Monday, January 5, 2009

Rantings of a mad women!

Ok, so what is it with men? The minute they get a look at me they run and hide. They see my picture and stop talking to me! I may not be gorgeous but I can pass for tolerable. I may not be Kendrasize but I'm not grossly overweight either. I've got a brain that I can actually use for more than just what shirt goes best with these pants! I'm a good person. I have strong values, I know that my family, friends, and Heavenly Father loves me. I'm decently funny, I don't stink too bad, I'm somewhat interesting, but what makes me so bad that men just stop talking to me. I can't even get an email from a dating site. EHarmony turned me away! I know that I am worthy of someone. I'm worth taking a risk for. I know that this is a pretty stupid thing to rant about but it's just been bugging me somethin' fierce. I deserve to have a decent relationship!

Ah...oh well, I'm sure that it'll work out in the end.=D