Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break!

So, winter term is over!! I got 3 A's and a B. I'm pretty stoked about it. Now we have a full week off before spring term starts. So exciting. Next term is going to be a lot easier. Only 3 classes instead of 4. I'm going to be trying to find a job. I'm going to need one for the summer since I'm not going to be taking classes, plus rent and all them other nasty bills are going to need to be paid...yucky. Also, my car has decided to not work right. My transmission is trying to go out. Right now, it's still working (sort of). My reverse no longer works. It'll go into reverse, but if I press the gas to get it going, it sounds like it's in neutral. It makes finding a parking spot extra fun. It's gotta be in a place that I can pull forward lol. It's going to be an interesting next couple of months.
Well, I gotta go,
Love you all