Sunday, November 8, 2009
tough times
Well...Life has been interesting lately. There have been things that have been said and done that have hurt me immensely. There are days that go by that I'm not sure how life will ever go back to normal. I sometimes wish that I had a Delorean and could go back in time. However, the tough days make us stronger. I don't know how strong or weak this experience will make me. Sometimes it is so hard to get up and act as if nothing has happened. To act as if everything is normal. I know that life will get better, that fences will get mended, and life will go on, but right now, now it is hard to see over the proverbial rainbow.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Quick Note
I made a little change...As I'm no longer living with Holly, Kendra, and Gabriel it's no longer 3 Girls and a baby. The only thing about it is I couldn't change the URL, but that's ok.
Just thought I'd let you know =D
Just thought I'd let you know =D
12 hours in the car...oh my!!!
So, school has started. It's lots of fun! I haven't met a whole bunch of people, but I'm starting to make some aquaintances. I have 6 days of class and so far it's going great. I'm sure come the end of the semester I'll be wanting to chew peoples heads off but this is an experiment. I'm also doing Institute. It's the very first time I've ever done it and it's interesting. It's like seminary for adults and there are more classes besides the 4 different scriptures. It's going pretty good.
I'm getting ready for Kendra's wedding on Wednesday. I'm almost packed. I have a load of laundry in the dryer and when that is done, I can finish packing. I'll have everything ready to go in the car by tonight. I have to have everything ready by tomorrow, but it's nice having things done before hand. We're going to leave early on Monday morning and hopefully pull into Lisa's house sometime Monday night. I'm hoping that it's not going to be some ungodly hour like midnight or later. It should be quite the adventure. I cannot wait!!! I get to see all of my family and Amber and Tianna, it's going to be an amazing week! I'm gonna have me some North Shore and quality buddy bonding time...say that 10 times fast, I only made it about 3 times before I was saying buddy budding time =D
I'm getting ready for Kendra's wedding on Wednesday. I'm almost packed. I have a load of laundry in the dryer and when that is done, I can finish packing. I'll have everything ready to go in the car by tonight. I have to have everything ready by tomorrow, but it's nice having things done before hand. We're going to leave early on Monday morning and hopefully pull into Lisa's house sometime Monday night. I'm hoping that it's not going to be some ungodly hour like midnight or later. It should be quite the adventure. I cannot wait!!! I get to see all of my family and Amber and Tianna, it's going to be an amazing week! I'm gonna have me some North Shore and quality buddy bonding time...say that 10 times fast, I only made it about 3 times before I was saying buddy budding time =D
Monday, July 27, 2009's been a long time since last I posted anything. I'll try to fit it all in, but I'll most likely leave stuff out lol.
I moved to Utah to help Bobby and Peggy with the 3 kids that they are in the process of adopting. It has been an interesting, frustrating, eye-opening experience. These children have gone through so much in their short lives. There are so many issues that need to be dealt with and that is where the eye openers and frustrations come in. They are now in a place where they are loved, fed, washed, have clean clothes, and discipline. They don't like the discipline but it is consistent and fair rather than sporadic and harsh. Just in the 2 months that I have been here, things have improved so much. There is still much more to be done, but they are finally on the right track.
I got accepted into Utah Valley University. It's very nice considering how close I am to the school. I go through the back fence and cross the street and I am on the school property. It's so nice having it right there. Since I don't have a car, it's very nice to be in walking distance of the school. I decided on a major finally. I'll be doing Integrated Studies, with emphases on German and History. I'll be able to use that for what I want to do with my future, which is be an interpreter for the UN. This next semester I'll be taking 4 classes, 2 history classes (American Civ. and Renaissance and Reformation Europe), German 2010 (Intermediate German, and Ethics and Values. I got extremely lucky in that most of my classes transferred over, and I don't have to take too many other General Ed. classes.
Last week we went on vacation to Yellowstone National Park. It is gorgeous and amazing there. I highly recommend that everybody goes there someday. I posted a bunch of pictures on my Facebook, so you should be able to see them there.
I'm also going to be starting Temple Preparedness classes at church soon. The bishop wants me to take the class before I get my recommend and go to the temple and be confused as to what's going on. I can't wait to start them. I'm feeling ready, but not ready enough. I'll keep you guys updated as to when that is going to happen!
Well, I'm off.
I love you guys and miss you all so very much. Many hugs and kissses to you all.
I moved to Utah to help Bobby and Peggy with the 3 kids that they are in the process of adopting. It has been an interesting, frustrating, eye-opening experience. These children have gone through so much in their short lives. There are so many issues that need to be dealt with and that is where the eye openers and frustrations come in. They are now in a place where they are loved, fed, washed, have clean clothes, and discipline. They don't like the discipline but it is consistent and fair rather than sporadic and harsh. Just in the 2 months that I have been here, things have improved so much. There is still much more to be done, but they are finally on the right track.
I got accepted into Utah Valley University. It's very nice considering how close I am to the school. I go through the back fence and cross the street and I am on the school property. It's so nice having it right there. Since I don't have a car, it's very nice to be in walking distance of the school. I decided on a major finally. I'll be doing Integrated Studies, with emphases on German and History. I'll be able to use that for what I want to do with my future, which is be an interpreter for the UN. This next semester I'll be taking 4 classes, 2 history classes (American Civ. and Renaissance and Reformation Europe), German 2010 (Intermediate German, and Ethics and Values. I got extremely lucky in that most of my classes transferred over, and I don't have to take too many other General Ed. classes.
Last week we went on vacation to Yellowstone National Park. It is gorgeous and amazing there. I highly recommend that everybody goes there someday. I posted a bunch of pictures on my Facebook, so you should be able to see them there.
I'm also going to be starting Temple Preparedness classes at church soon. The bishop wants me to take the class before I get my recommend and go to the temple and be confused as to what's going on. I can't wait to start them. I'm feeling ready, but not ready enough. I'll keep you guys updated as to when that is going to happen!
Well, I'm off.
I love you guys and miss you all so very much. Many hugs and kissses to you all.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Good bye Jasper :(
I am so sad right now. I have a puppy named Jasper. With me moving I, unfortunately, can't take him with me. The city of Orem, UT only allows 2 dogs per household. My aunt and uncle already have 2 dogs, so I can't bring Jasper. If I didn't believe that this was such a good move for me, spiritually and temporally, I would not be going for this reason. It hurts so much to have to get rid of him. I only got 6 months to know this puppy, and yet, he has been such a joy to me. I got frustrated, irritated, mad, etc. at him, multiple times, but he's a puppy and would do puppy things. But his personality is so funny, so loving, so loyal. He is my guy, my friend. He sleeps with me and keeps me company when I'm alone. I'm heartbroken that I have to do this. He is such a happy puppy. I don't want to do this, and yet, I know that this is a good move for me. I know that it is a small, inconsequential thing, but I could use your prayers right now. Not just for me, but for my puppy. I think I may have found him a good home. It's an older, retired gentleman, who is used to Cocker Spaniels (Jasper's breed). He will have the time to give him the time, love, and attention that I couldn't really give him. I think that that is part of my problem, I didn't give him to much time. Mine was tied up in school and homework. Even though...I have loved the time that I have had with Jasper. Well, just keep us in your prayers. I love you all!

Thursday, May 28, 2009
New Happenings!
So I guess it's been a bit since last I wrote. Not much has happened, and yet a lot of major decisions have been made. I go to school most everyday and have homework coming outta my ears. It's insane. I have 1 week left, then finals week. I have projects, papers, and homework. All stuff that will make me a much happier person to have finished. I have 1 major project all done and turned in, now I have 3 more to go...whipee!!! I'll be so happy when this term is over. It's kicking my butt. Spring term has always been rough for me. I'm all learned out and need a break.
I'm getting that in the form of I'm moving to Utah on the 13th of June. My aunt and uncle, Bobby and Peggy Muench, just recently adopted 3 siblings. As both of them work, and a baby sitter all day would be crippling financially, I was asked if I would like to be a nanny, of sorts, for them. It comes with free room and board, and they'll feed me! Plus I get to know my new cousins. It's a very exciting time for me. I'm really sad that I'm leaving Oregon. This is my home. It's where my family is, where my friends are. It's killiing me to be leaving them. I don't get to see them as often as I would like, as often as I'm used to, but I had the option of seeing them once in a while. Now, the distance will be too far for me to get out to see them. I don't believe that I will be able to see them until Christmas time. We'll be having Christmas at Lisa's house. However, I do believe that this move will be good for me. I'll be able to grow more as a person. i'm making a decision to do something that is really hard for me to do. I don't want to do it, but I know that this is the right thing for me to do. I'm hoping that I'll be able to meet others my age that'll help me to grow more in the Church, who'll listen to me and help me to understand the things that confuse me, that I don't fully understand. I've been working so hard on improving myself, and there is so much that I don't know, don't understand. I've been working on being able to go to the temple again. I'm so close, I think that all I need is the interview =D
Mom and Laura get here the 7th of June. I'm so excited about that. They'll be helping me pack and move everything. Holly and Gabriel are moving as well. They'll be going to Texas with mom and dad. I think that that is the toughtest part of this move for me. I'm going to be separated from my nephews. It already kills me to only see Elias once in a while. I see Gabe every single day. This will be the part that makes it the most difficult. I don't like that I can't see my nephews everyday, or as often as I would like. They are 2 of the most important people in my life. I love them like crazy. I'll be able to talk to them on the internet though. Webcams are amazing inventions. I recommend that everyone goes out and buys one, then we can all talk on the internet and not feel so far apart.
In other news, I had to sell my car. The transmission was starting to fail on me. It would go into reverse but it wouldn't stick. When I pressed on the gas, it sounded like it was in neutral. I ended up selling it for $400. I wish that I could have gotten more out of it, just for the sentimental reasons. That car was my grandma's, and it was given to me after she passed away. I have a few things of hers left, and that was something that always reminded me of my grandma. I know that it was just a car, and that they are somewhat easily replaced, but it was a special car. It's sad to know that she's gonna be taken apart and sold for her parts.
But isn't this a part of growing up. Doing things that are difficult? Moving, selling something important, going to school. These experiences have changed me for the better. I am finally moving in the right direction. I finally have my head screwed on right again. I know who I am and why I am here. I don't know everything, but what I do know, I know to be right and true. I have many more difficult moves to make in my life, but I think that these experiences have made it possible for me to now face them head on, to face them courageously. I know that I have a Father in Heaven who will help me to get through them. Just yesterday, my teacher told me life isn't fair, it isn't easy. It isn't, but I know that not only do I have everyone I know rooting for me, praying for me, helping me to improve my life, I also have a Heavenly Father doing the exact same thing. I am truly blessed to have the things in my life that I do. Life is only going to get better from here!!
I'm getting that in the form of I'm moving to Utah on the 13th of June. My aunt and uncle, Bobby and Peggy Muench, just recently adopted 3 siblings. As both of them work, and a baby sitter all day would be crippling financially, I was asked if I would like to be a nanny, of sorts, for them. It comes with free room and board, and they'll feed me! Plus I get to know my new cousins. It's a very exciting time for me. I'm really sad that I'm leaving Oregon. This is my home. It's where my family is, where my friends are. It's killiing me to be leaving them. I don't get to see them as often as I would like, as often as I'm used to, but I had the option of seeing them once in a while. Now, the distance will be too far for me to get out to see them. I don't believe that I will be able to see them until Christmas time. We'll be having Christmas at Lisa's house. However, I do believe that this move will be good for me. I'll be able to grow more as a person. i'm making a decision to do something that is really hard for me to do. I don't want to do it, but I know that this is the right thing for me to do. I'm hoping that I'll be able to meet others my age that'll help me to grow more in the Church, who'll listen to me and help me to understand the things that confuse me, that I don't fully understand. I've been working so hard on improving myself, and there is so much that I don't know, don't understand. I've been working on being able to go to the temple again. I'm so close, I think that all I need is the interview =D
Mom and Laura get here the 7th of June. I'm so excited about that. They'll be helping me pack and move everything. Holly and Gabriel are moving as well. They'll be going to Texas with mom and dad. I think that that is the toughtest part of this move for me. I'm going to be separated from my nephews. It already kills me to only see Elias once in a while. I see Gabe every single day. This will be the part that makes it the most difficult. I don't like that I can't see my nephews everyday, or as often as I would like. They are 2 of the most important people in my life. I love them like crazy. I'll be able to talk to them on the internet though. Webcams are amazing inventions. I recommend that everyone goes out and buys one, then we can all talk on the internet and not feel so far apart.
In other news, I had to sell my car. The transmission was starting to fail on me. It would go into reverse but it wouldn't stick. When I pressed on the gas, it sounded like it was in neutral. I ended up selling it for $400. I wish that I could have gotten more out of it, just for the sentimental reasons. That car was my grandma's, and it was given to me after she passed away. I have a few things of hers left, and that was something that always reminded me of my grandma. I know that it was just a car, and that they are somewhat easily replaced, but it was a special car. It's sad to know that she's gonna be taken apart and sold for her parts.
But isn't this a part of growing up. Doing things that are difficult? Moving, selling something important, going to school. These experiences have changed me for the better. I am finally moving in the right direction. I finally have my head screwed on right again. I know who I am and why I am here. I don't know everything, but what I do know, I know to be right and true. I have many more difficult moves to make in my life, but I think that these experiences have made it possible for me to now face them head on, to face them courageously. I know that I have a Father in Heaven who will help me to get through them. Just yesterday, my teacher told me life isn't fair, it isn't easy. It isn't, but I know that not only do I have everyone I know rooting for me, praying for me, helping me to improve my life, I also have a Heavenly Father doing the exact same thing. I am truly blessed to have the things in my life that I do. Life is only going to get better from here!!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Today bites
So, I'm getting ready to go to school, and I realize that my wallet is not where it's supposed to be. Nor, is it anywhere else it shouldn't be. I think I may have left it on the bus, but I called lost and found, and of course it's not there. I'm hoping that it gets turned in, if I left it on the bus, and not messed with. I'm hoping that there are still some honest people up here.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Spring Break!
So, winter term is over!! I got 3 A's and a B. I'm pretty stoked about it. Now we have a full week off before spring term starts. So exciting. Next term is going to be a lot easier. Only 3 classes instead of 4. I'm going to be trying to find a job. I'm going to need one for the summer since I'm not going to be taking classes, plus rent and all them other nasty bills are going to need to be paid...yucky. Also, my car has decided to not work right. My transmission is trying to go out. Right now, it's still working (sort of). My reverse no longer works. It'll go into reverse, but if I press the gas to get it going, it sounds like it's in neutral. It makes finding a parking spot extra fun. It's gotta be in a place that I can pull forward lol. It's going to be an interesting next couple of months.
Well, I gotta go,
Love you all
Well, I gotta go,
Love you all
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Friday, February 27, 2009
Set the Date!
On August 1st, or there abouts, KendraCay Kiger and Matthew Tabbert are getting married. We're all very excited. When I know some more details, I'll post them. We love you all and we're all very happy for Kendra and Matt. I know it's not a great picture, but it's the only one I have of both of them together =D

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We got ourselves a new puppy. He's 8 weeks old, a blond cocker spaniel, named Jasperudy. He is so cute, soft, adorable, and cuddly. We named him Jasperudy. His parent's owners named him Rudolph, Rudy for short, because he was number 9 of 9, and they were all born at Christmas time, so they were all named after the reindeer =D We liked it, but it wasn't a favorite. We wanted Jasper, so we combined the two and now he's Jasperudy! He's so cute. He's technically Kendra's but we all help take care of him. He's still just a baby, so he's into everything, and he likes to chew on things, especially stuff he shouldn't be playing with lol. Can't wait to see how he turns out =D
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Beavers or Otters...I can't figure out which! not much has happened lately. I've been super busy with school. Lots of homework...oh well that's what I get for signing up for 17 credits!!! OH...this is kind of interesting-I have to do a field journal for my Biology Lab. Basically I have to go out once a week and look and observe and write what I see...BORING!!! So I picked the field behind my apartment. Its easy to get to and if I'm not feeling to ambitious I can just look at it from my front porch lol. Well, I've done one day and I think that there are beavers or otters or something along those lines living out there. It's kinda cool and it made me a bit interested to find out what will happen out there. That's what I love about school, it takes something that I would never, ever do on my own in a million years and makes me interested. I can definitely say that I'm never going to be a biologist, but I have a new found respect for their field.
Monday, January 5, 2009
Rantings of a mad women!
Ok, so what is it with men? The minute they get a look at me they run and hide. They see my picture and stop talking to me! I may not be gorgeous but I can pass for tolerable. I may not be Kendrasize but I'm not grossly overweight either. I've got a brain that I can actually use for more than just what shirt goes best with these pants! I'm a good person. I have strong values, I know that my family, friends, and Heavenly Father loves me. I'm decently funny, I don't stink too bad, I'm somewhat interesting, but what makes me so bad that men just stop talking to me. I can't even get an email from a dating site. EHarmony turned me away! I know that I am worthy of someone. I'm worth taking a risk for. I know that this is a pretty stupid thing to rant about but it's just been bugging me somethin' fierce. I deserve to have a decent relationship!
Ah...oh well, I'm sure that it'll work out in the end.=D
Ah...oh well, I'm sure that it'll work out in the end.=D
The start of a promising new year!
The new term started today. I only had one class today, German 151. I have 3 other classes and a lab. I'm taking Biology 101 with the lab, Speech 111, and the Intro to the History of Rock Music (fluff class lol). The rock music class is an online class, so it'll be easier to do than some of the other classes. Holly is taking 4 classes this term. She's taking a couple of ECE classes, Math 60 online, and Russian 102. Kendra is still working her way towards becoming a baker. She'll be graduating sometime in December =)
We were able to spend Christmas with most everybody this year in Albuquerque. It was really nice and lots of fun. We were able to lots of stuff and get reacquainted with family and friends. We were there until the 1st. Kendra, Tarek, Jordon, Ruth (a friend of the family), and I all went to a Stake YSA dance. It was so much fun. I was able to just let go of everything that has ever held me back before. It was nice because I knew that I would never see those people again. The worst thing about it was I had to drive from Portland to Utah and back again. Both times were in the worst possible weather I could have had driven in. But we were blessed, because nothing happened to us at all. It was amazing.
Well, I hope that everyone has an amazing new year and that many good things happen to you.
Love you all
We were able to spend Christmas with most everybody this year in Albuquerque. It was really nice and lots of fun. We were able to lots of stuff and get reacquainted with family and friends. We were there until the 1st. Kendra, Tarek, Jordon, Ruth (a friend of the family), and I all went to a Stake YSA dance. It was so much fun. I was able to just let go of everything that has ever held me back before. It was nice because I knew that I would never see those people again. The worst thing about it was I had to drive from Portland to Utah and back again. Both times were in the worst possible weather I could have had driven in. But we were blessed, because nothing happened to us at all. It was amazing.
Well, I hope that everyone has an amazing new year and that many good things happen to you.
Love you all
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