Sunday, November 6, 2011

My life thus far

So my sister is yelling at me to update my blog so here I am, updating my blog. There's really not much to say other than life has been utter hell! I'm so busy with school. i'm so busy that my grades are starting to slack. I really need to pick it up because I'm graduating in the spring. Hopefully, fingers crossed! I really need to find an internship and I need to find one soon. Sadly, not finding one is partly my fault as I haven't done much searching for one. There aren't many around here either. I guess I just really need to get my butt in gear and start looking. If you see any in the history field open up, let me know. I'll gladly take it.
I've made a new friend. Her name is Jeannie and she is awesome! She has given me so much motivation for exercising. I'll detail more of that in my other blog. We've done a lot together and have had so much fun. Because of the exercising we are together pretty much every night. I'm not at her house tonight and it's weird. Anyway, she's become a great friend and we have so much in common. It's great.
I'm so looking forward to Thanksgiving. My little sister and her daughter are flying in on the 21st and I can't wait to see them. We'll be leaving the next day to go to Albuquerque, NM to go see our family. Sadly, our sister Lisa and her family won't be able to join us. (stupid jobs) However, it'll be great to see everyone. This year is an important year as my dad will be turning the big 50! We'll be having a party while we're all there together. It's going to be an epic Thanksgiving and I can't wait! Kendra will be here until the Wednesday after Thanksgiving. It'll be interesting as I'll be in school those days, but we'll have fun together when I'm not in school :)
I have decided that I can't wait until I graduate. I'm gonna move out of Utah and be done with this place. I'll definitely miss the people that I've met here, but it's time to get my life started. I'll be 30 in a few years. I need to start living for myself rather than for others. I need less stress in my life and more freedom to make my own decisions about things. It's going to be refreshing and I can't wait.
I think that's about it for now. I'll try to be more regular with my blog, but I can't promise much, because as the title of this blog says, my life is insane. So for now, good night and until next time :)

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

This one is bound to raise a few eyebrows!

I have seen a lot of intolerance lately on Facebook and it's starting to get to me. Why can't we except each other for who we are? And why must everyone post such mean things? So what if a kid doesn't want to stand up for the flag? It's his choice! So what if a Muslim girl wants to wear her headscarf with her JROTC uniform? Is it really that big of a deal that we have to start picking on a 14 year kid for standing up for her rights and religion? What have we become? We are a great nation who can't get along. We are heading down a path that is down right scary. We have become more and more judgemental and intolerant towards those who think differently from us. We fight about every little thing. Why can't we just listen to the other side and say while I don't agree with you, I understand your point, or will you help me understand your point?
I hate to say this, but Christians are pushing me further and further away from Christianity. They are the least tolerant, most bigoted people. We pray to a god for help for finding our cell phones, but we don't pray to him for help with finding peace, bringing an end to world hunger, or any other sort of atrocities that are out there. I'm slowly losing hope in humanity. I see bits of good in the world, but most everything I see on here is hate disguised in patriotism and Christianity. I know that most of you won't understand what I'm saying and will disagree with me. If you want to call me names so be it. Know that I love my country. We are a great and wonderful nation, however, we are heading down a path that is both terrifying and humilating. We need to step back and realize how incredibly ignorant we look to the rest of the world. We are mocked at and thought of as bullies. I have a deep appreciation of our military and it's troops. My brother is in the Air Force, my father served in both the Army and the Air Guard, my grandfather was in the Navy, my mother was in the Air Force, my uncle was in the Navy. I come from a very proud military history. We are proud to be Americans. Let's show the world who we really are and who we can be. Let's become a people who can be looked up to rather than looked down on!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Life and Decisions

I figured I'd write something since my sister bugged me and my other blog writing sister to write one. Kendra did so I guess I need to too.

I don't really have too much to write. School is going...great. I'm hating every minute of it. I think I'm starting to hit that point where I need a longer break in between semesters. A couple of days/weeks doesn't work out very well for me. I'm getting burned out and it's showing in my work and attendance. It's become very easy for me to justify skipping/not doing homework. I know that I shouldn't do these things, but at the moment, I just don't care.

Work is going great. I love my job and most of my coworkers. There are some that are PITAs but I just, for the most part, ignore them. just can't and man oh man can that be hilarious. I won't go into any of the details on here, but trust me, I have some interesting stories to tell.

I'm getting really close to graduating. I only have a few more semesters to go. Then it's on to grad school. I'm trying to decide if I want to do it immediately or wait a while. Get a job, make/save some money, then go onto graduate school. It'll most likely be immediately because if I don't go immediately the chances of me going lessen. I checked out a school in Texas, but I'm not sure if I want to go there. It's a great school with an awesome campus, but they don't offer what I really want. I want to do Public History, which is working with/in museums or with archives. I would love to work in a museum. The school in Texas only offers History or teaching degrees. I have no desire to be an historian, and a teacher, while a wonderful position, isn't what I really want. I'm going to look at a school in Portland. They offer the degree that I want and it's Portland. I've got family there and my best friend is only a few hours away and my other sister and grandparents are only a few hours after that. Texas has it's points. My sisters are there and my nephew and my parents. But, I have to weigh in what I really want and what is best for me, rather than what others want. Or even what is easier for me. I could easily move to Texas, move back in with my parents, live there for free, eat for free, get a free ride to school, but that would be settling. I don't know what I want to do right now, but luckily I have a few more months to figure it out.