Monday, April 26, 2010
Oh my gosh I'm so excited! Friday is so not coming quick enough. I leave for a month in Germany on Friday. I go to London and get there on the 1st of May. My friend and I are going to stay the night there and leave around 2 PM on Sunday for Berlin. I stay there for nearly a month. I got an email from the Goethe-Institut today telling me who I'll be staying with, where the closest transportation stop is, and how long it will take me to get to the school. I'll be staying with a lady named Renate Giese. We were told that we probably won't be with another person from our group, but I found out that the friend that I'm doing most of my traveling with will be in the same house as me. I hope that we don't end up hating each other lol. I probably won't be doing too much updating on here but I'll try. I'll definitely be keeping updates on Facebook. I'm so incredibly excited and nervous and scared. I was talking with my German teacher today and told him that, but he told me that was normal. I can't wait!!!
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Late night ramblings that are sure to make somebody mad :)
Ok...politics seriously piss me off. Do you know that we are the only industrialized country in the world that has a government that doesn't pay for our education, or our health care? Why not? How come we have to go into so much debt, so that we can get a "better" job? Don't get me wrong, I love my country and I love having the freedoms that so many other countries don't have, but it pisses me off that this country doesn't help it's people. I hate capitalism. There is nothing truly good about it. It gives people the right to own and operate a business, but how does it help the people who have no interest in that. I'll never own my own business. The field that I'm entering is notorious for having so many unemployed people with great degrees. I'm not going to give up what I love so that I can own a business that will most likely fail. I know this is rambling and probably doesn't make much sense, and some of it is probably a little wrong, but I'm just pissed off at all of this. I shouldn't have to have the debt that I have to get an education. Do you know that the countries in Europe pay for their citizens education? How is that wrong? I truthfully find nothing wrong with socialism. How is it wrong to care for the people and not businesses? Did you know that if communism is done right, with no peversions of the theory, it could be the most perfect form of government? Unfortunately, those who have implemented it twisted it to suit their needs and not the needs of the people and made it a scary thing. It is a no-no now. I'm not promoting it at all, but just know that when Karl Marx first wrote about it, he didn't mean for what the USSR to do to it. I'm sure I'll make some of you mad when you read this. I'm sorry for that, but I'm not going to change my mind. I want the government to care about me and you! Not worry about bailing out some company that has floundered and can't get itself out of the mess it made. I'm not asking for the government to pay for everything, no government should do that, but it should help us more than it does now. This form of government has made me so mad and frustrated that it makes me want to move. I want to be apart of something good. I don't think that will ever happen in our lifetime. We finally have a president who, at least on paper, cares for the people. He introduces something that is a step to universal health care and people have a huge fit. Who cares if affects the rich people? I'm not rich and I'll never be rich. I'm pretty sure they can afford the taxes. If they can afford everything else that they buy what's a few more dollars added on? Maybe this is just some late night, I'm super tired, rambling but I'm just pissed off enough to want to say something. I have my doubts that anybody really reads this so I guess it's ok for me to spew this lol. Please don't think that I hate my country, because I don't. I love the US. I just think that we need to put our priorities elsewhere now.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Family is the most amazing thing ever! everything finally fell into place. Today my parents paid the rest of what I owed for my study abroad trip! I was so excited about that. THEN, my grandparents decided that they would help me pay for my plane tickets. I'll pay them back of course, but that helps me so much. I'm so incredibly greatful for the family I have. They have helped me through so much. I hope that I'll be as generous when the time comes. I have my program and tickets paid for and it wasn't as hard to get it done as I thought it would be. Thank you everybody! You don't know how much this means to me! I love you all!
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