Well, we made it to Utah. It took us 2 days to get here! We left at 2 pm Thursday afternoon. By 9:30 that night we had only made it to Pendleton. It took us 7 hours to drive what should have taken us 2-3! We left early the next morning and by the time we reached La Grande the weather had cleared enough and the roads were dry that we were finally able to drive the speed limit. No more 30 mph for me! 80 the rest of the way, lol!!! We were able to surprise Bobby, Peggy, and Laura. Mom and dad kept us coming early from them. It was fun. We leave tomorrow to go to Albuquerque, NM. We're having Christmas with Aunt Remi and Uncle Todd and their family. It's gonna be fun, and crazy. There are going to be tons of people and we're even having the missionaries over for Christmas day. That'll be fun!
I hope that everyone has an amazing Christmas. Remember the true reason and this Christmas will be all the better for it. Remember and give thanks for our Lord Jesus Christ.
I love you all
Merry Christmas
Peggie, Holly, Kendra, & Gabriel
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Christmas is slowly approaching...have you got your shopping done?
Hallo all!! It's been a few days since I last posted. Not much has happened. School got out for Holly and I on the 10thish. Kendra's last day is the 19th. I got an A, B, and a D. I'm sad about the D, but I did my hardest in that class. I may have to retake it, but if I do, I'm hoping that it'll be a bit easier since I already know most of the stuff. Holly got 2 A's and a B. Turd!!!! Lol I'm just joking, she's done amazing and I'm very proud of her.
On Saturday the 20th, we'll be leaving for Utah and Albuquerque. We're descending on all of the family hahahaha!!!! Can't wait. We'll be having Christmas at the Embree's house. It's gonna be amazing, cuz our cousin Jordon just got back home from serving a 2 year mission for our church in the Phillipines. I can't wait to see him!! It's gonna be awesome. Just wish us luck cause I have to drive my car all the way there.
Oh, we got our Christmas Jammies today. In our famly, it's tradition to get a new pair and we get to open 'em on Christmas Eve and wear them for Christmas. We'll take pics and post 'em cause they are amazingly awesome!! They are gonna be fun!
Love you all
On Saturday the 20th, we'll be leaving for Utah and Albuquerque. We're descending on all of the family hahahaha!!!! Can't wait. We'll be having Christmas at the Embree's house. It's gonna be amazing, cuz our cousin Jordon just got back home from serving a 2 year mission for our church in the Phillipines. I can't wait to see him!! It's gonna be awesome. Just wish us luck cause I have to drive my car all the way there.
Oh, we got our Christmas Jammies today. In our famly, it's tradition to get a new pair and we get to open 'em on Christmas Eve and wear them for Christmas. We'll take pics and post 'em cause they are amazingly awesome!! They are gonna be fun!
Love you all
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!!!
Tomorrow is Thanksgiving, as I'm sure most of you know, so we wanted to wish you all a Happy Thanksgiving. It's just going to be me, Holly, and Kendra. Gabriel is spending Thanksgiving with his dad. It's going to be a small dinner with just us three. It's wierd having such a small Thanksgiving, but it'll be nice to spend the holiday with my sisters.
Love you all
Glückliche Erntedankfest!!!
Peggie, Holly, and Kendra
Love you all
Glückliche Erntedankfest!!!
Peggie, Holly, and Kendra
Monday, November 17, 2008
"Be Not Afraid, Only Believe." Mark 5:36
That quote was an answer to a prayer. Seriously. There are days when it is so hard to have faith. I am in constant struggles with myself over everything, especially church. What if's are always there. So, every night when I pick up my scriptures, I always say a little prayer before I do. I've been reading in the New Testament lately. Everytime I read out of the scriptures, it reminds me of why our church is true and how much Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ loves us. The other day I found that scripture, and it reminds me to just believe. Do not be afraid about sharing the Gospel, or about anything, just believe and everything will be ok.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
New Calling!!
Yesterday, Bro. Rogers, the 2nd counselor in the Bishopric, called me and asked me to come in today for a meeting at 10:00. I said yes and immediately started to fret. Why did they need to see me? What kind of interview was it going to be? Temple interview, were they going to ask me to give a talk some Sunday or give a prayer, or was it going to be the dreaded calling? So, I prayed for guidance and for the right answers to whatever questions arose. I was asked to be a teacher in the nursery. It was kind of funny because this morning Holly said wouldn't it be funny if I was asked to be a nursery teacher, then she wouldn't have to sit in there all the time for Gabe. So, now I'm a new nursery teacher. I have no idea what to do, or how to do it. But it'll be fine, I'm sure.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
In Memory of Brother Al Jole
This morning my sunday school teacher from my high school days passed away. He had a massive heart attack a couple of weeks ago and I believe that that is the reason that he passed away. His heart just wasn't strong enough. He was an amazing person. So funny and wise and wonderful. Every time I saw him I'd ask him how he was doing and he'd always answer "Just as ornery as ever!" How I'll miss those days. I would like to ask everyone to pray for his family. We all know that he is an a better place, and he'll be able to see his family again some day, but for now just ask Heavenly Father to comfort his family. To be with them is the sad, sad time.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
No, not the TV show, but the state of being, lol. I decided to be a nice sister today and drive Kendra to school. Since I had never driven there, I made sure that we got directions going there and coming home. However, stupid Google Maps didn't factor in that one of the streets it had me go on was CLOSED for construction. Portland is kind of like Klamath Falls, in the way that all of the streets are one way and they often just stop and make you go another way. I dropped Kendra off at just around 2 and I didn't get home till right before 4!!! I ended up in Oregon City. You'll have to look it up on a map in conjunction with Beaverton, cause that's where I technically live. Granted I could have been home at around 3:30ish but I had to stop at everyone's favorite office store, Staples :) and I had to check the mail, but the mail lady was in the mail hut, so I couldn't go in. I waited for about 5 minutes for a bank statement...for Holly!!! Ahhh...this day has been nuts. However, I was able to find some interesting stores downtown...Spartacus(hehe), the Buffalo Exchange, and the Crystal Ballroom...I think that is where me, mom, Aunt Sally, and Holly all went to see Dwight Yokam when I was just barely 18. I had my first experience with Portland that day...I should have learned lol.
On a lighter, and happier, note...the printer that mom and dad gave us works!!! Even the ink inside of it is still good, so the ink that I just bought can go into the closest until needed.
Well, I am gonna head out and feed me and the kid some leftover chicken and dumplings....mmmm...leftovers!!!!!
Love you all
On a lighter, and happier, note...the printer that mom and dad gave us works!!! Even the ink inside of it is still good, so the ink that I just bought can go into the closest until needed.
Well, I am gonna head out and feed me and the kid some leftover chicken and dumplings....mmmm...leftovers!!!!!
Love you all
Saturday, October 25, 2008
So, my uncle Franky came by to visit yesterday and today. He'll be leaving tomorrow. He had a conference for work up here in Portland so he decided to stop by and say hi. He was able to see some old friends and visit his nieces and nephews at the same time. It was really nice to see him again. I love seeing family and friends. Anytime you want to come see us, let us know. There is always floor space for you :)
Well, it is officially fall in Portland. This was taken off of the front porch of my apartment building. I love this tree. It is so pretty. I love all of the different colors of the trees up here. They range from yellow to orange to fire engine red to burgundy. Of course there are still the pine trees, this is Oregon, but they add such a beautiful contrast.

So, I know it's a lot of pictures, but I just love the trees here. They show the true beauty of our planet. They are just wonderful.
I'm sure most of you know already, but mom, dad, and laura are all moving to Utah next weekend. They're going to be living with family, Bobby and Peggy. Dad is going to go back to school at BYU to get his degree in Engineering. I think that is absolutely amazing. I'm sad that they are moving away, and now they'll be more than a day away, but I know it's something that both of my parents need to do. Mom so that she'll get out of the country and into the city, and Dad so that he'll be able to further his career.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
So things have been pretty calm and relaxed here, sorta, lol. Right now Gabriel is screaming his head off because it's bed time, and he doesn't want to go to sleep. So, as most of you know, when we, meaning me, Holly, Kendra, and the baby, all moved up here we were all prepared for everything. We had everything that we needed. We were able to get our pantry stocked and all the necessary evils that come with moving into a new place. Then came a shock...our financial aid hadn't been approved!!! We needed that so that we could live up here. So that we could pay the bils, rent, buy food, etc. We were frantic. We were gonna pay rent with a credit card, but we were a couple hundred dollars short. I had no idea what we were going to do. Mom suggested that we say a family prayer about it and I started to say my prayers and ask for help and guidance. They came!!! Our family is so amazing!!!! They sent us enough money to pay our rent and still have some left over. What wonderful, wonderful people. Anyways, to make a long story somewhat shorter, the first of the month is coming up shortly, and again we were strapped for cash. I have been praying like you wouldn't believe, and for me that's pretty amazing, and today Holly was able to get her financial aid. It finally came through!!! How amazing is our Heavenly Father? I go for years without saying a prayer, and when I truely need Him, He is there. Everytime I say a prayer now they get answered. In ways that astound me. I have been praying for patience, especially when I am driving, and it's been working. I yell less, and curse less, at the other drivers. Now it's getting to the point where it's coming naturally to me. I still sometimes have to ask for help, but it's coming easier and easier for me to be more patient with those around me. He comforts me when I need it, letting me know that I am loved and cherished. Our Father in Heaven loves all of us, even when we feel as if we really don't deserve it. He is just waiting for us to ask for help, and it's so easy to just start talking to Him, to ask for a blessing, forgiveness, or give thanks. What a wonderful tool!!!!
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Family Visit!!!
So mom, Lisa, Lucas, Elias, Kristina, Aunt Kavon, Shilo, Suzanne Ludlow and her baby Tabitha, all came up to visit us this weekend. It was soo much fun. We went to the zoo and to a pumpkin patch owned by the Roloffs, the family from TLC's "Little People, Big World." We got to see the mom and Dad-Matt and Amy-and everybody in mom's car got to see the youngest son Jacob. We got a ton of pumpkins. We got 139 lbs. of pumpkins-seriously!!! I've got a ton of photos of the visit, unfortunetly there are so much that it would be impossible for me to post 'em here, but I did put them on my myspace http://viewmorepics.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewPicture&friendID=93343955&albumId=2423582 so enjoy 'em!!
Ach-I'm absolutely starving so I'm gonna go eat me some breakfast
Love you all
Ach-I'm absolutely starving so I'm gonna go eat me some breakfast
Love you all
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Math sucks!!! But German is AMAZING!!!!
So, I got my math test back. My score wasn't good at all I got a 60 out of 100, which is a D? I think. It could be an F. Who knows, but I do know that that is not a good score. I hated the stuff that we were learning. Functions are evil and should be banned forever!! Now we're learning about logarithms and those are so much better. I'm actually getting it. It involves a lot of algebra, which I completely love, so that makes it a lot easier.
Today, my German class took a field trip. We went to the Bavarian Sausage and Delicatessen. http://www.originalbavariansausage.com/
It is wunderbar (wonderful in German). They have everything. All sorts of German sausages and meats. They have a grocery store that has all kinds of German foods, candies, cookies, chocolates. It was a heaven on earth. I got a bunch of Rittersports, some Nutella (the most yummy stuff on earth), and some Haribo gummi's. I'm so going to have to go back soon and get more stuff. That store can quickly become a bad habit lol. Unfortunately they didn't have any Kinder Eggs :( They had other chocolates from the same company, but no Eggs, very dissappointing. That's ok. I'm so going back there.
After we got done, me and some of the other people in my class hung around for a bit and just chatted. It was nice. We exchanged phone numbers and we're making tentative plans to go to "Scream at the Beach." It's supposedly one of the best haunted houses in the US. It's up here in Portland, along the Columbia River, in a place called Jantzen Beach. I'm kind of excited. I love haunted houses. They took over a mall,, and there are like 5 different houses. Should be lotsa fun. I looked it up on the Internet and they recommend you bring a camera and a spare change of undies, cause wetting yourself is common hahaha.
I'll post some pics if I go.
Oh, tomorrow is going to be amazing!!!!!!!!! Mama, Lisa, Elias, Kristina, Aunt Kavon, Shilo, and a lady from the Branch, Suzanne Ludlow and her baby Tabitha, are all coming up to visit. There's a womens conference for our church up here in Portland, so they are using that as an excuse to come up and visit us. I'm so excited. I'm missing my mama something fierce and can't wait to see her.
Well, gotta get ready for tomorrow.
Love you all
Today, my German class took a field trip. We went to the Bavarian Sausage and Delicatessen. http://www.originalbavariansausage.com/
It is wunderbar (wonderful in German). They have everything. All sorts of German sausages and meats. They have a grocery store that has all kinds of German foods, candies, cookies, chocolates. It was a heaven on earth. I got a bunch of Rittersports, some Nutella (the most yummy stuff on earth), and some Haribo gummi's. I'm so going to have to go back soon and get more stuff. That store can quickly become a bad habit lol. Unfortunately they didn't have any Kinder Eggs :( They had other chocolates from the same company, but no Eggs, very dissappointing. That's ok. I'm so going back there.
After we got done, me and some of the other people in my class hung around for a bit and just chatted. It was nice. We exchanged phone numbers and we're making tentative plans to go to "Scream at the Beach." It's supposedly one of the best haunted houses in the US. It's up here in Portland, along the Columbia River, in a place called Jantzen Beach. I'm kind of excited. I love haunted houses. They took over a mall,, and there are like 5 different houses. Should be lotsa fun. I looked it up on the Internet and they recommend you bring a camera and a spare change of undies, cause wetting yourself is common hahaha.
I'll post some pics if I go.
Oh, tomorrow is going to be amazing!!!!!!!!! Mama, Lisa, Elias, Kristina, Aunt Kavon, Shilo, and a lady from the Branch, Suzanne Ludlow and her baby Tabitha, are all coming up to visit. There's a womens conference for our church up here in Portland, so they are using that as an excuse to come up and visit us. I'm so excited. I'm missing my mama something fierce and can't wait to see her.
Well, gotta get ready for tomorrow.
Love you all
Monday, October 13, 2008
What a day!!!
I had to wake up this morning at 5:15 so that I could catch a bus by 7:00-I'm thinking I'm going to start waking up a little later-to be at school by 8:30. I had a math test today. It went ok, and I think I only did ok on it. Tomorrow is the other 1/2 of it-we get to use our calculators yay!!! German was lotsa fun. We're going to a German deli on Wednesday, that should be interesting.
So, I was waiting for the bus, and it finally came. I looked up to see that it was the right number, however, I didn't check to see which direction it was going. I ended up on the right bus, going the wrong direction >.< I went like 1/2 an hour outta my way, then the bus driver had to take a 30 minute break and I couldn't stay on the bus, so I had to walk around the block to the nearest bus stop to catch the SAME bus!!!! I was on that bus for forever. There was a drunk guy on it too, he reaked of beer, it was disgusting. And I had to pee like crazy!!! Well, I finally made it home and now I'm cooking me some chicken and posting me a blog. I know I promised pictures, but they'll have to wait till a little later-I need to eat!!!
love you all
So, I was waiting for the bus, and it finally came. I looked up to see that it was the right number, however, I didn't check to see which direction it was going. I ended up on the right bus, going the wrong direction >.< I went like 1/2 an hour outta my way, then the bus driver had to take a 30 minute break and I couldn't stay on the bus, so I had to walk around the block to the nearest bus stop to catch the SAME bus!!!! I was on that bus for forever. There was a drunk guy on it too, he reaked of beer, it was disgusting. And I had to pee like crazy!!! Well, I finally made it home and now I'm cooking me some chicken and posting me a blog. I know I promised pictures, but they'll have to wait till a little later-I need to eat!!!
love you all
Sunday, October 12, 2008
our apartment

Well-I was gonna post some other pics of our apt. but I can't find 'em so I'm gonna take some pics-maybe tomorrow-and post 'em.

Math Test
So...here's like the 3rd post today lol. I've been studying for a stupid math test tomorrow. It's all about functions, and their many uses. I hate them. I've been studying for forever and I still don't understand 'em lol. That's my text book btw....
Oh-did you know that to take Math 111C at PCC you have to have a graphing calculator? No big deal, right? HAH!!!!! That stupid calculator-which I'll probably never use again-cost us $150!!!! I'm not kidding you. When Holly has to take 111 she'll use it, then we're selling the bugger! 
So that's it^^^^^ I have no idea how to use it really. I'm learning it, but I'll never use it for all of it's functions(lol---functions---I make myself laugh ^.^)
So, now that I've done more blogs than I have ever done in my entire life, I'm gonna go post a bunch of pictures, lol, then I'm signing out for the night.
Church and School Schedules
Hey!!! We just got back from church. It was kinda creepy, I had just read about a certain subject in a Work and the Glory book, and our Relief Society lesson was about that same subject. It was awesome.
We went to HomeTown Buffet for dinner. I know we're not supposed to go out on the Sabbath, but we really didn't wanna cook and no one invited us to dinner :( There is a family that is going to, they say, but with Kendra's school schedule, 4-9pm Mon-Fri, it's gonna be hard to do anything as a family on weekdays. We'll figure it out tho.
Keep us in your prayers, love you all and miss you more
Peggie, Holly, Kendra, and Gabe
We went to HomeTown Buffet for dinner. I know we're not supposed to go out on the Sabbath, but we really didn't wanna cook and no one invited us to dinner :( There is a family that is going to, they say, but with Kendra's school schedule, 4-9pm Mon-Fri, it's gonna be hard to do anything as a family on weekdays. We'll figure it out tho.
Keep us in your prayers, love you all and miss you more
Peggie, Holly, Kendra, and Gabe
I'm Copying
So, another friend of mine is blogging and i thought it would be a cool idea. A quick and easy way to allow everyone to see how we are doing. We just moved up to Portland, OR. We live on the 3rd floor of an apartment building. That's a lot of fun. Three flights of stairs, many times a day. Next time you see us, we're gonna have legs of steel. HAHA!!! So, for those of you who don't know, me, Holly, Kendra and Gabe all live in Portland. We've been here for almost a month. All of girls are going to school. Kendra is going to the Western Culinary Institue and Holly and I are going to Portland Community College. Kendra is in the Patissirie and Baking program and Holly and I are just going for General Ed. till we decide what we want to do. Gabriel is doing great with the move. We talk to NaNa almost everyday. Right now he's with his dad for a couple of weeks. We miss him like crazy, but we'll have him back on the 20th.
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