Thursday, October 23, 2008


So things have been pretty calm and relaxed here, sorta, lol. Right now Gabriel is screaming his head off because it's bed time, and he doesn't want to go to sleep. So, as most of you know, when we, meaning me, Holly, Kendra, and the baby, all moved up here we were all prepared for everything. We had everything that we needed. We were able to get our pantry stocked and all the necessary evils that come with moving into a new place. Then came a shock...our financial aid hadn't been approved!!! We needed that so that we could live up here. So that we could pay the bils, rent, buy food, etc. We were frantic. We were gonna pay rent with a credit card, but we were a couple hundred dollars short. I had no idea what we were going to do. Mom suggested that we say a family prayer about it and I started to say my prayers and ask for help and guidance. They came!!! Our family is so amazing!!!! They sent us enough money to pay our rent and still have some left over. What wonderful, wonderful people. Anyways, to make a long story somewhat shorter, the first of the month is coming up shortly, and again we were strapped for cash. I have been praying like you wouldn't believe, and for me that's pretty amazing, and today Holly was able to get her financial aid. It finally came through!!! How amazing is our Heavenly Father? I go for years without saying a prayer, and when I truely need Him, He is there. Everytime I say a prayer now they get answered. In ways that astound me. I have been praying for patience, especially when I am driving, and it's been working. I yell less, and curse less, at the other drivers. Now it's getting to the point where it's coming naturally to me. I still sometimes have to ask for help, but it's coming easier and easier for me to be more patient with those around me. He comforts me when I need it, letting me know that I am loved and cherished. Our Father in Heaven loves all of us, even when we feel as if we really don't deserve it. He is just waiting for us to ask for help, and it's so easy to just start talking to Him, to ask for a blessing, forgiveness, or give thanks. What a wonderful tool!!!!