I'm sure most of you know already, but mom, dad, and laura are all moving to Utah next weekend. They're going to be living with family, Bobby and Peggy. Dad is going to go back to school at BYU to get his degree in Engineering. I think that is absolutely amazing. I'm sad that they are moving away, and now they'll be more than a day away, but I know it's something that both of my parents need to do. Mom so that she'll get out of the country and into the city, and Dad so that he'll be able to further his career.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
So, my uncle Franky came by to visit yesterday and today. He'll be leaving tomorrow. He had a conference for work up here in Portland so he decided to stop by and say hi. He was able to see some old friends and visit his nieces and nephews at the same time. It was really nice to see him again. I love seeing family and friends. Anytime you want to come see us, let us know. There is always floor space for you :)
Well, it is officially fall in Portland. This was taken off of the front porch of my apartment building. I love this tree. It is so pretty. I love all of the different colors of the trees up here. They range from yellow to orange to fire engine red to burgundy. Of course there are still the pine trees, this is Oregon, but they add such a beautiful contrast.

So, I know it's a lot of pictures, but I just love the trees here. They show the true beauty of our planet. They are just wonderful.